Iraq and Afghan US military leaked the information

Star News International Desk: British court has sentenced a young man to two years for the purpose of handling the information of US intelligence officials. The youth was sent to the Correction Center by accusing him as a "cyber-terrorist". The information was released on BBC Online on Friday.

It is said in the report that the accused named Kain Gambel 18-year-old young British citizen. Gambling aimed at hacking was the US intelligence and judiciary. After the arrest, he admitted the charges brought against him.

Gambell's mother broke into tears after the judge declared the verdict yesterday. However, Gambling was seen to be unhappy at that time. He was sent to jail for two years because of being low. In October last year, 10 charges were filed against the founders of Crackers with Atchood (CWA), Gamble. The US intelligence agency (CIA), Central Crime Investigation Agency (FBI) and the Judiciary Department have found information from Gamble's home in Leicestershire, UK.

Old Bailey (Central Criminal Court of the United Kingdom and Wales) said that Gambble has acknowledged a number of accusations, that this incident has severely damaged the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies.

Gamble's lawyer claims that he can not 'harm' and 'do any harm' by mentioning 'autistic' more

The Star News / MSR

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